A True Minister

A True Minister

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Marked by humility, Paul defends the credibility of his ministry and encourages the Corinthians to renounce false teachers who are challenging his leadership and creating division within the church. In an effort to create unity within the body of Corinthian believers, Paul demonstrates spiritual leadership in a way that is applicable to the church today.

Study Questions

Marked by humility, Paul defends the credibility of his ministry and encourages the Corinthians to renounce false teachers who are challenging his leadership and creating division within the church. In an effort to create unity within the body of Corinthian believers, Paul demonstrates spiritual leadership in a way that is applicable to the church today.


  1. True ministers suffer for their people. Is there someone in your life God may be calling you to suffer for? What are some practical ways you can bless that person?

  2. Think of a time you were squeezed and the fruit of the spirit did not come out. How was that different compared to a time when you were able to respond with grace?

  3. Paul warns us not to put our hope in false teachers and false kingdoms. To what voices in your life are you tempted to give your allegiance other than Christ and his kingdom?

  4. The goal of the Christian life is to so boldly represent God’s reconciliation that other people want to be reconciled too. On a scale from 1-10, how boldly is your life proclaiming God’s reconciliation in your own life?

  5. Think about your circles of influence where you serve as a spiritual leader. What areas need growth in regard to unity, credibility, and full dependence on Christ?

Key Points

  • Credibility is the link to leadership. The way we live is evidence of our authenticity and effectiveness in leading others.

  • Spiritual shepherds impoverish themselves to bring blessings to other people. The greatest example of this kind of sacrifice is Jesus’ work on the cross.

  • The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to respond to those who oppose us with humility and grace and to love, serve, and give our lives away.

  • If you’re going to be a spiritual leader, you’re going to suffer for people.

  • Jesus invites us to be unified with him, as a family, and to live out our reconciliation in a way that makes others want the same reconciliation.